Welcome to the lounge. Here you will find useful information about the project for the general public as well as for the media.
Blue momentum papers release – June/July 2022
Blue momentum Official announcement & briefing conference [ unified field theory] – September 16 2022
Aeropod Official conference – December 12 2022
Market launch of personal (aero) pods – Oct/Nov 2023
Location – stockholm,sweden | Venue – Blue momentum residence
Blue Momentum conference
Total seats -1200
Genral audience -350 [ august 10 – august 19 2022]
Academia professionals- 750 [ august 11 – august 21 2022]
Media/journalists- 70-90 [ august 16 – august 30 2022]
Aeropod conference
Total seats -1550
General audience -1400 [ september 27 – october 8 2022]
Media/journalists- 100 -150 [ october 8 – october 18 2022]
*Academia professionals attending the blue momentum conference will be given preference when booking their seat for the aeropod conference.
*General audience for the blue momentum conference includes the staff & blm team as well as our benefactors. As such the actual number of seats available for this category is reduced to 50%.
The reporting & syndication of the unified theory discovery is free to all media personnal and agencies; where as the rights to report and syndicate news pieces pertaining to information conveyed during the aeropod conference incorporate a fee based on the geographic location(s) chosen by the media network/institution. (shown below)
Europe | $430.000 | ALL mediums(print/digital/network..etc) |
Luxembourg/Denmark/Austria | $230.000 | |
Canada | $270,000 | |
Americas (central,south & U.S) | $350,000 | |
Australia/New Zealand | $150,000 | |
China/Russia | $495,000 | |
Middle east/Africa | $75,000 | |
Switzerland/Sweden/Japan/Netherland | Free |
Rights can be acquired as global, regional exclusive and regional nonexclusive.
This gives your institution publishing, reporting & syndication freedom for the region(s) of your choice. A non exclusive contract implies that other institutions(besides yours) can enter into the same contract with us i.e it is not exclusive to any single agency. Publishing/reporting/syndicating extends to all types of print medium, digital tv networks, digital media including- blogs, news sites, social networks, audio/video internet feeds, newspapers/e-newspapers, journals, magazines, student/university papers, satellite and cable network channels. The above table displays prices (inclusive of any applicable taxes) for a non exclusive contract. Each contract has a six month lifecycle.
An Exclusive agreement credits your institution exclusively the right to report, publish and distribute in region(s) of your choosing and extended to all mediums as stated above. Exclusivity once acquired by you bars all other individuals and agencies for that region from engaging in any form of reporting or syndication towards areopod provided no other agency has purchased nonexclusive rights before you. The cost for a regional exclusive is 3 x the nonexclusive price.( ex- Europe regional exclusive > 3*430 000 = 1,290,000 | Americas regional exclusive > 3*350,000 = 1,050,000 ) Each contract has a six month lifecycle.
A global coverage right is exclusive and covers all geographical terrains including island nations & regions/zones/states (recognised or unrecognised /defined or undefined) that have not been mentioned in zone-pricing table. It extends to all mediums so far mentioned. A global contract is available to select institutions; Each contract has a nine month lifecycle. Price for a global contract is $7M (seven million) For details contact us using media line 2 only.
Conference only reporting (short contracts)
A one time contract towards reporting of and attending the aeropod conference can be availed by institutions who have not been able to procure nonexclusive, exclusive or global rights. This allows you to attend/report/broadcast the conference within your specified region on a single medium without syndication privileges. The price for a conference only contract is 1/4th of the regional nonexclusive price.Each contract has a three day lifecycle.
*All prices for nonexclusive, exclusive and global syndication are non reducing.
*Exclusivity contracts do not include exclusivity for conference day reporting. (short contract)
*Our in house media crew will document and cover all events and & conferences alongside others. The above contracts do not include to restrict coverage and broadcasting in any and all forms by the blue momentum crew.
Blue Momentum Conference
The Blue momentum conference is the official briefing for the unified theory discovery to be held in september 2022 in stockholm, sweden. The event spans half a day with approximately 1200 attendees including professionals/scientists from related fields, project donors & contributors, university and media representatives as well as a general audience. Registrations for the conference begin 10th august 2022 and end 30th august 2022.
Aeropod Conference
The aeropod conference will be held in december 2022 in stockholm, sweden. The event spans half a day with approximately 1500 attendees. A formal unveiling and live demo of the aeropod will be followed by briefing on the technology used , operating mechanisms , future prospects and various technical statistics. Regitrations begin september 27 and end october 18 2022.
1 Aeropod conference will have one on one Q&A sessions with the team.
2 For the aeropod conference Separate q&a sessions are held for the media with a technical briefing not otherwise publicly shared.
3 Electronic devices ( including phones) are not permitted for the general audience near the pod area.(aeropod conference)
4 100% pod access to enable photography/documentation will be given to media participants.
5 All participants have the opportunity to experience a live aeropod flight demo ( subject to time availability )
Useful conference info
The following applies to all future conferences held by the blue momentum team and will therefore not be repeated in our communications to the participants.
1 ) Entry is restricted to registered participants and invitees only
2 ) Food/drinks (including h2o bottles) are not permitted in the premises; all of these are provided at no extra cost.
3 ) Participants are to carry not more than 2 electronic devices (ex- phone, laptop). Wi fi networks will not be accessible in the premises during the conference.
4 ) You are requested to make your own travel & accommodation arrangements in advance as some conference events will require confirmation of your travel by us. Also, parking for automobiles or temporary keeping of your belongings is not facilitated.
5 ) Media personnel will be granted wifi access during the conference. Additionally, all media equipment needs to be declared during the registration. Devices/equipment declared are solely permitted within the venue premises.
6 ) Electronic entry/exit keys provided to you need to be returned at the end of the conference.
7 ) Basic medical assistance is available at the venue; please inform us beforehand if you have special needs.
8 ) Sign interpreters are stationed to help translation for the hearing impaired.
9 ) Journalists are entered into the conference premises 30 minutes prior to the public. You can ask for assistance from our media crew to help setup your equipment and wifi connections. It is recommended you collaborate with them & take advantage of their expertise to achieve best video /audio angles and feed keeping in mind that over 200 cameras will be stationed in close proximity.(for aeropod conference)
10 ) Our residence is a strictly restricted area. Participants are allowed entry/exit only once.
Publishing establishments mindful of quality, who would like to publish from the blue momentum papers may contact to enable publishing licence for the section(s) they would like for print.
Scientific journals ,magazines and their owned internet publications,websites..etc including subsidary establishments whether physical or digital or otherwise are required to obtain licensing rights to publish in any form or manner our website content.
We do not host promotions or advertisements on our site or otherwise.
Usage rights
You are free to use the contents of this site , with the exceptions below outlined, for personal/commercial purposes.
copyright © 2022 Blue Momentum Project